The car is a 2003 Honda Civic Si. I really like this car for a number of reasons. First, it reminds me of the Volkswagen GTI my father had when I was in high school. Something about a fast little hatchback really floats my boat. The seats are incredible, better than the seats in my Porsche. The engine is 2.0 liters, which is quite large for such a little car. Everything works--the A/C, the ABS, the heater. Finally, and this is a little hard get your head around unless you are as enlightened as I am, this car is nearly as much fun to drive as is the Porsche. Rev it up, snick snick the shifter, crank it around a corner. It is a blast to drive.
In the parlance of the kids these days, I have "killed" a few cars with this car. The most fun have been a Mini Cooper S (a long on ramp getting onto the freeway, accelerating from 0 to 85 mph) and a 2006 BMW M3 SMG (this wasn't fair because I caught the guy unaware at a stoplight. By the time he got on it I had gotten up to 50 in a 35 and had to slow down. At the next light I rolled down the window and apologized and chatted with him for a minute. Then he put it in launch control mode and lit up the rear tires for about 100 feet. I was grinning like an idiot for 10 minutes.) .
I am really thinking of putting a Jackson Racing Supercharger in... Stay tuned.
My uncle bought himself a mid-life crisis red 911 for Christmas one year (new, and he didn't tell his wife about it in advance). He almost immediately regretted the whole thing. It has been sitting in his garage with flat tires and a dead battery for something like 8 years now. Sad. (When you make "bad" decisions like that, being a multimillionaire helps to ease the pain)
My older brother Jason and my younger brother Andrew both have Mini Cooper S's. They're like driving go-carts.
I went in an entirely different direction -- 2005 Prius. No road rocket, but I love getting 50 mpg!
Tell your broughams that if they ever want to race they know where to find me.
If I had a big barn and more cash, I would just retire my old cars to the stable and use them once in a while. More than one person has asked me how I like my hybrid. I am considering buying a "Hybrid" emblem on eBay and putting it on the back of my car. I would change it to say "gasoline/pedal synergy drive" or something like that.
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